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Breaking Chains and Taking Names
Welcome and course overview (2:17)
Whole-self wellness (19:21)
What are toxic cycles? (10:02)
How do we break the cycles? (2:40)
What's your why (7:06)
Setting the Foundation
Understanding Narcissistic Toxicity and its Impact on Others (20:55)
Understanding Trauma and Its Effects (26:50)
People-Pleasing and Codependency (6:50)
Emotional Intelligence and How it Applies (5:07)
Identifying Triggers
Introduction to emotional triggers (12:26)
Recognizing and Identifying Emotional Triggers (11:33)
The connection between triggers and toxic cycles
Reframe and Retrain Your Brain
Core Beliefs (21:01)
Setting A Positive Mindset (14:38)
Reframing your thoughts (21:14)
Self-Loathing and Self-Sabotage (29:27)
Mindfulness and Meditation
Intro to Mindfulness and Meditation (15:42)
Practicing mindfulness meditation
Facing and Overcoming Fear
Fear is an illusion (14:02)
Freedom lies on the other side of fear (5:02)
Using truth to disassemble fear
Accepting Self-Love
Intro to Self-Love (5:49)
Understanding self-love and why it is important
Claiming Your Identity
Learning to Love Yourself
Developing a positive self-image (19:12)
Establishing and Holding Boundaries
Entering Recurring Toxic Relationships
What are boundaries, and why do we need them? (7:30)
How do we set them and enforce them? (14:00)
Forgive & Affirm Yourself
Why it's important to forgive yourself (21:11)
Releasing shame and guilt
Affirming your power
Releasing the past
Meditations for release
Energy and vibrations of holding patterns
Understanding Somatics
Processing Stress and Emotions
The Mechanics of Trauma
Breathwork and Movement - Releasing Trapped Emotions
Intuitive healing
Gratitude & Happiness
Finding Gratitude Amongst Your Pain
Fostering Joy and Happiness When You're Exhausted
Communication & Relationships
Mindful Communication
Elements of a Healthy Relationship
Red Flags and Green Flags
Social awareness and management
Eating For Health and Mental Support
What is emotional eating? (5:31)
Mental Health and Nutrition
Introducing intuitive eating principles
Mindful eating practices
Planning a Healthy Lifestyle
Intro to planning a healthy lifestyle
Setting realistic health goals
Creating a balanced meal plan
Incorporating physical activity into daily routine
Deciding what makes sense for you
Setting and Achieving Goals
Intro to Goals
Making Intentional Effort to Plan for Healing
Smart Goals
Step By Step
Accountability and Sustaining
Intro to accountability and sustaining
When the road gets rough
Who can you count on?
Review of the course content
Final thoughts and next steps
Intro to Mindfulness and Meditation
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